00 14/12/2010 10:47
Oltre ai premi assegnati a Raw, su WWE.com sono stati annunciati altri 10 WWE Slammy Awards.

Best Performance by a Winged Specimen: Monday Night Raw chicken

Best Use of Exercise Equipment: Lo Shake Weight di Rosa Mendes

Most Menacing Haircut: Tyler Reks

Best Family Values: Kane distrugge il padre di Jack Swagger sotto gli occhi di quest'ultimo

Superstar/Diva Most in Need of Makeup: Sheamus

The "Cole in Your Stocking" Award: Daniel Bryan attacca Michael Cole a WWE NXT

Outstanding Achievement in Baby Oil Application: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes

Frequent Tweeter Award: Goldust

Best WWE.com Exclusive TV Show: WWE NXT

Most Annoying Catchphrase: Zack Ryder per "Woo, woo, woo, you know it."