00 13/01/2010 10:06
Actarus192, 13/01/2010 9.46:

Scott Steiner Leaving TNA?

Scott Steiner and Kip James were backstage at last Tuesday's iMPACT tapings. While Steiner was expected to wrestle, he did not. According to a source, both stars were set to meet with TNA talent relations director Terry Taylor to talk about their futures with the company. It's said that Steiner's future with TNA has been in question for months. There were conflicting reports about Kip being released late last year but it appears he is still around.

Fonte: Wrestlinginc.com

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non generalizzerei così tanto il tuo pensiero fossi in te..Scotty aveva i suoi estimatori su questo forum..soprattutto nell'ultimo periodo in cui era molto in forma..riuscendo a fare un bel feud(portato avanti da solo) pure con Bobby Lashley..