00 05/08/2009 12:47
Zzyzxer, 05/08/2009 12.33:

Quelli di Becca li avevo visti!
Compresi il "6/7 minuti di intervista", in cui a) dice che le manco, b) che torna, c) che mi ama.

Quale delle tre è più probabile?
Evitiamo facile ironia.

Vista Cattuccia coi baffi nell'artwork?
Io non l'avevo notata, nel di là del di là c'ha pensato Maria!

Cazzo, la preview dell'intervista devo essermela persa!

Seriamente... credo più probabili la a) e la c) (purtroppo, siamo onesti!)

(Aspè, Maria è la mark di Cat Power Meow, giusto? Salutamela, se capita!) Sì, vista, ma ho goduto di più sul frignare di Allison!

PS. Ah, scordavo (sono ormai di ieri, ma odio quella cazzo di board, già detto), a chi interessa al solito:

The date has been confirmed with the venue.

Sunday, November 8th, 2009.

Volumes 27 & 28 of the SHIMMER DVD series will be filmed during the course of the day.

More details soon!

Mark your calendars!

For those wondering, some reasoning behind our choice of the date...

1. Virtually everyone we want to use is available.

2. We didn't want to commit promotional and financial suicide at the gate by trying to run head to head with TNA house shows in the Chicago area on that original October weekend, for two consecutive days, and with a weaker lineup of talent (none of the TNA women). Especially when we were unable to sell out the last set of tapings with the TNA talent, and with nothing substantial head to head with us locally. To try to run on those dates given the circumstances would have been disastrous for us as a company.

3. Wear and tear on the wrestlers. Honestly, though I'd love to shoot four DVDs in a weekend again, it really took its physical toll on the talent in May. Too many of the wrestlers were either really bruised/sore by the end of the second day or outright injured. To ask some of these women to wrestle up to four lengthy matches in a roughly 30 hour time frame is just a killer. Two DVDs, over one day of taping, is more reasonable. And those two matches, performance-wise, given the circumstances, will likely be of better quality than if they consisted of wrestlers who had to wrestle two or three times already.

4. It's easier for us to sell tickets to one show, on one date, than to try to attract an audience that can commit to an entire weekend worth of shows. I believe POWW is going to be running in the Chicago area on Saturday, November 7th, and will probably be using some of the SHIMMER talent over there, for those making a trip from far away into the area. We may also schedule a little something get-together wise for that Saturday as well.

There you have it, for those interested in our reasons behind the selection of the date.

Credits: Dave Prazak - SHIMMERBoard