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Ex Top Star Wwe attacca Shawn Michaels

  • Messaggi
    The King Of Bling Bling
    Post: 9.750
    Registrato il: 15/11/2007
    Non ho interessi nella vita
    00 07/12/2010 15:39
    RedhotRaf91, 07/12/2010 14.59:

    Che brutta annata l'89

  • The_Joy_87
    00 07/12/2010 15:59

    Following up his comments on Shawn Michaels on his “Highway to Helms” online show, Hurricane Helms added these comments on Twitter:

    “I wonder if I backstab a bunch of people and hurt careers & family’s and slaughter animals for fun but then pray on stage, that make it ok? Just wondering? :-) But enough about that hypocrite, I’m home after a great but hard working tour and got to catch up on my DVR’s.”

    When Shawn Michaels was asked on Twitter if he heard about the verbal attacks made by Helms, and his thoughts about it, he responded with the following:

    “From u all I hav. Verbal attack? Wow pretty scary. Thoughts? Sticks&stones I guess?:-)”

    Testo nascosto - clicca qui
    Post: 707
    Registrato il: 21/06/2009
    Main eventer
    00 07/12/2010 16:19
    The King Of Bling Bling, 07/12/2010 15.39:


    Naturalmente sei l'eccezione che conferma la regola [SM=x54487]
  • chuck89
    00 07/12/2010 17:51
    secondo me siete tutti invidiosi.....helms...e tutti voi che andate contro Shawn Michaels.....è la leggenda e non tutti lo vogliono ammettere.
    poi se mi parli che razor ramon ha fatto dei buoni match ti contraddici da solo visto che per me l'unico match degno di nota di ramon è il ladder match contro Shawn match che è entrato nei libri della storia solo per la presenza di shawn....chi è che volava........Shawn....
    Shane Vendrell
    Post: 717
    Registrato il: 23/07/2010
    Main eventer
    00 07/12/2010 18:22
    Shawn Michaels Responds to Verbal Attack From Shane Helms
    Posted by: WrestlingNewsSource.com

    Former WWE Superstar Shawn Michaels has responded to the recent verbal attacks against him by Shane "Hurricane" Helms. Here is what HBK had to say on his official Twitter page after he was asked by fans if he had heard Helms's comments...

    "From u all I hav. Verbal attack? Wow pretty scary. Thoughts? Sticks&stones I guess?:-)"

    Meanwhile, Helms has continued to verbally attack Michaels via HIS official Twitter page. Here is his latest rant...

    "I wonder if I backstab a bunch of people and hurt careers & family's and slaughter animals for fun but then pray on stage, that make it ok? Just wondering? :-) But enough about that hypocrite, I'm home after a great but hard working tour and got to catch up on my DVR's."
  • The_Joy_87
    00 07/12/2010 18:24
    Shane Vendrell, 07/12/2010 18.22:

    Shawn Michaels Responds to Verbal Attack From Shane Helms
    Posted by: WrestlingNewsSource.com

    Former WWE Superstar Shawn Michaels has responded to the recent verbal attacks against him by Shane "Hurricane" Helms. Here is what HBK had to say on his official Twitter page after he was asked by fans if he had heard Helms's comments...

    "From u all I hav. Verbal attack? Wow pretty scary. Thoughts? Sticks&stones I guess?:-)"

    Meanwhile, Helms has continued to verbally attack Michaels via HIS official Twitter page. Here is his latest rant...

    "I wonder if I backstab a bunch of people and hurt careers & family's and slaughter animals for fun but then pray on stage, that make it ok? Just wondering? :-) But enough about that hypocrite, I'm home after a great but hard working tour and got to catch up on my DVR's."

    Gia postata [SM=x54481]

    Carini come si fanno la lotta [SM=x54472]
    Shane Vendrell
    Post: 718
    Registrato il: 23/07/2010
    Main eventer
    00 07/12/2010 18:34
    Re: Re:
    The_Joy_87, 07/12/2010 18.24:

    Gia postata [SM=x54481]

    Carini come si fanno la lotta [SM=x54472]

    azz...non avevo visto.
    Post: 172
    Registrato il: 14/11/2009
    Low Carder
    00 08/12/2010 12:39
    Secondo me sono dichiarazioni di un wrestler fallito..

    Non entro in merito alla figura di Michaels nel backstage poichè non ne so molto...
    y2j rulz
    Post: 710
    Registrato il: 23/04/2004
    Main eventer
    00 08/12/2010 17:25
    Re: Re: Re: Re:
    Kruger89, 06/12/2010 23.05:

    Mah, io spero che tu stia parlando del precedente periodo di Shawn, in cui sul doping io sto zitto e tu stai zitto, o se preferisci nel periodo in cui tutti erano iperpompati. Tutti i match che ho visto io, di Michaels, sono match di un wrestler (parlo dal post 2003) che riesce a tirare il pubblico grazie alla sua finisher, al modo di rialzarsi da terra dandosi lo slancio (che ho sempre voluto fare anche io, mannagg XD), ed indubbiamente grazie alla sua resistenza. Tecnica poca, carisma poco. Al microfono probabilmente con una gimmick alla DX poteva dare molto, ma onestamente qualcuno può dire che altrimenti non sia quanto un Morrison? Anzi, è solo un Morrison che ha avuto una botta di culo.
