00 07/12/2010 13:39
john1094, 06/12/2010 19.56:

Come mai Kennedy umanizzò la figura di Taker?
In quel periodo non seguivo Smackdown...

Ho trovato purtroppo solo questi due promo, ma soprattutto i lprimo rende abbastanza l'idea:

1) Mr. Kennedy: "Undertaker, you've made a career based on reputation and achieved legendary status as a phenom in this industry, by messing with people's minds. You've won championships, defeated legends and accomplished pretty much everything there is to accomplish in this industry, by playing mind games with people. You've locked them away in caskets, hauled them away in hearses, you've even buried people alive for nothing more than intimidation and humiliation.

And last week I came face to face with the awesome power that you possess. Last week, I came face to face with the hocus pocus, abra-cadabra, Houdini garbage that you do, and you know what? I wasn't impressed, it didn't scare me, you don't scare me. Did you honestly think that little magic trick like making my microphone explode and shoot sparks all over the place was gonna intimidate me? Did you honestly think for a second, that that phony little parlor trick that you did was gonna be enough for you to get a leg up on me?

Undertaker I'm here to tell you, that your well has run dry, and all the tricks and illusions and scare tactics mean absolutely squat to me. Oh the people, the people might be awed by it, and they may think for one second, you may convince them for one second that Mr. Kennedy is just gonna be another one of your victims. But I'm here to tell you that nothing, nothing that you can conjure in the deepest, darkest recessive of your mind, will compare to the shock and awe that these people will experience when I pin you at No Mercy, on Sunday. Undertaker you will find out that the decade and a half of destruction is over. And the future has arrived, the future is me. The future is Mr. Kennedy."

2)Mr. Kennedy: "You know last year at this time, sports entertainment was like a rudderless ship, it had no direction, no future. But in this past year a new superstar has emerged and shined a light on what before was a buried wasteland. Smackdown, sports entertainment has a savior. Sports entertainment finally has a future, and that future is me. In just one year time, I have defeated five World Champions and that's never been done before I've broken new ground, just like you did Undertaker.

See when you arrived on the scene, nobody had ever seen a superstar with your combination of size, power and agility, ever. But you're no longer groundbreaking Undertaker, you're no longer the standard bearer in this industry, you have been surpassed, and you have been surpassed by me. See dead man, this is no longer your yard, it's mine and I've got the proof right here [hält das Mikrofon mit dem Blut des Undertakers hoch].

The second that I caused the blood to spill from your head, I knew that it symbolized a changing of the guard. Last week, these hands, my hands spilled your blood and I'm gonna do it again. And I can't think of a better place to do it in a First Blood Match at Survivor Series. Where it just so happens that years ago, it all began for you Undertaker. But you can rest assured that this year at Survivor Series, your decade and a half of destruction, will end."