00 11/03/2010 09:52
Thinking Demon, 10/03/2010 9.08:

News su Shawn:

"We have been reporting for several weeks now that Shawn Michaels plans to take time off after WrestleMania, but this time around it might be different since there is no time table for his return. This doesn't mean that he will lose to The Undertaker at the PPV, but that his time off could be significantly longer this time around that it was last year after WrestleMania 25. I was even told that HBK could be held off until next year's 'Mania when he can do the big sendoff much like WWE did for Ric Flair."

ma che senso ha mettere in palio la propria carriera a WM e poi tornare alla WM successiva per un match di ritiro stile Ric Flair? qualcuno me lo spiega?? cioe HBK si ritira 2 volte di fila?? [SM=x54498]