00 19/01/2010 14:49
E.Ganzerli, 19/01/2010 0.18:

After pyro goes off, Ric Flair comes to the ring with two women. Flair says that he hates Hulk Hogan, but he loves TNA. Flair says that he is here to find the next 'Nature Boy'. Flair then brings out the 'next heavyweight champion' A.J. Styles. Styles comes to the ring in a suit and he is accompanied by a woman. Styles puts over the beautiful women in the ring and then the crowd chants 'You are married'. This causes Styles to laugh and there was an awkward pause. A.J. cuts a promo that utilized a style similar to his new mentor.

Kurt Angle comes to the ring with Hulk Hogan. Hogan says that he has changed his mind about Genesis being Angle's last title shot because he runs the show. Hogan announces that Kurt Angle versus A.J. Styles will happen tonight. Hogan says that it is 'damn real'.

Commento personale: 1) Grande, pago 35 dollari e tu mi dai il rematch in chiaro allo show immediatamente successivo...almeno fate una non-finish. E ok, han già fatto il match due volte in chiaro, ma almeno aspetta la settimana prossima...chi se li compra i ppv se poi la volta dopo dai via il main event gratis? 2) Flair e Styles sono heel, nessun dubbio. 3) Le stipulazioni non valgono un cazzo nemmeno in TNA, quindi perchè costruire il match in ppv come "l'ultima shot di Angle per il 2010"? 4) "Next Heavyweight Champion", Ric? :D

Ma come cazzo fa Flair ad essere heel se fa le stesse cose da anni, che condite con un leaves the memories alone facevano partire i "Don't go Ric [SM=x54491] "