00 21/06/2005 12:28

Scritto da: The Angelic Diablo 21/06/2005 10.40
Copio spudoratamente la notizia da CZwFans...
informazioni sull'High Stakes Match....
ma sembra quasi che partecipare al TOD sia una punizione...

Ruckus, Sabian, Kingston vs. Eddy, B-Boy, Webb

If Ruckus loses then he is in TOD.
If Sabian loses then he doesn't get a title shot at Quack for 6 months.
If Kingston loses he'll have a loser leaves town match the following month.
If B-Boy loses he'll have a loser leaves town match the following month.
If Webb loses he is in TOD.
If Eddy loses he doesn't get a world title show for 6 months.